Home - Dutch Shoe Academy

De Dutch Shoe Academy. Is de school voor alles wat met schoenen te maken heeft. Of je nou schoenen wilt ontwerpen, maken of herstellen, het kan allemaal.


The domain dutchshoeacademy.nl presently has a traffic classification of zero (the smaller the more users). We have downloaded twenty pages within the web page dutchshoeacademy.nl and found six websites referencing dutchshoeacademy.nl. We have noted two public network sites enjoyed by dutchshoeacademy.nl.
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I caught that the main root page on dutchshoeacademy.nl took one thousand and sixty-three milliseconds to stream. Our web crawlers could not discover a SSL certificate, so therefore we consider dutchshoeacademy.nl not secure.
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1.063 sec



We observed that this domain is implementing the Apache operating system.


Home - Dutch Shoe Academy


De Dutch Shoe Academy. Is de school voor alles wat met schoenen te maken heeft. Of je nou schoenen wilt ontwerpen, maken of herstellen, het kan allemaal.


The domain had the following in the site, "Van A tot Z uitgelegd." I analyzed that the web page stated " Is het expertisecentrum voor schoenen en leer." They also stated " Hier vind je de kennis op het gebied van schoen- en leertechniek, anatomie, pasvorm en schoenontwerp. Moodboard, iilustrator photoshop, collectie, specsheet, fabrikanten. Op maat, voetafdruk, anatomie, leest, passchoen, patroon, schachten, onderwerk, pasvorm. Hakken, zolen, stikken, lijmen, aflappen, rits inzetten, finishing, klant. Versnellen, in-company, individueel." The meta header had Dutch shoe academy as the first search term. This keyword was followed by dutch, shoe, and academy which isn't as important as Dutch shoe academy. The other words they uses is schoenen. opleiding is also included and could not be seen by search parsers.


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